
General Chairs

Ryosuke Yamanishi

Ruck Thawonmas

Program Chairs

Lissa Holloway-Attaway

John Murray

Financial Management Chairs

Akiko Yamanobe

Frank Nack

Art Exhibition Chairs

Iva Georgieva

Mondheera Pituxcoosuvarn

Workshop Chairs

Frederic Seraphine

Frank Nack

Doctoral Consortium Chairs

Hartmut Koenitz

Ágnes Bakk

Online Chair

Liang Li

Area Chairs

Theory, History, and Foundations

Hartmut Koenitz

Mattia Bellini

Social and Cultural Contexts

Anastasia Salter

Rebecca Rouse

Tools and Systems

Frank Nack

Vincenzo Lombardo

Interactive Narrative Design

Mark Marino

Christian Roth

Virtual Worlds, Performance, Games and Play

Sandy Louchart

Emily Johnson

Applications and Case Studies

Colette Daiute

Joshua Fisher

Late Breaking Works

Hartmut Koenitz

Joshua Fisher

Program Committee

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